Thursday, October 9, 2008

green puff vest

i stole these photos from skip. i've known this guy for the better part of ten years or so. he grew up in the same part of town as bobby which is about a ten minute walk from where i grew up. anyways they used to call that cluster of apartments "kingshood" which was a play on words of kingswood. there was always trouble in kingswood. maybe the crack dens and longtime drunks have moved on,but i doubt it. when i was a teenager it was one of the shittiest places in town and the kids were always tough and ready for a fight. through bobby, i knew skip and his brother eric. and they have popped in and out of my life since i have known them. i remember one time i had just come home from new york and bobby and skip had taken a bunch of acid after a 2 day long coke binge and jay was laying on my couch half sleeping wrapped up in a blanket unable to talk. i think i got pretty pissed that night, but laughed my ass off about it the next day. these guys live life as close to the edge as possible, and what's great is that anything can happen at any second. the first photo here is skips stab wound from when he was stabbed by a haitian crackhead who broke in to his apartment and tried to fuck with him. the second is skip with bobby, and the bottom is bobby and sully (who looks like a white ghost who has just eaten a reefer sandwich)

1 comment:

Bob Frost said...

funny shite! amazing. kingshood.